Yo Ho Ho for the Pirates and the Bailout Bums
(Deadman's Chest)
The year 2008 has been one big treasure hunt
For Somali Pirates and Bailout Bums
Bankers and tankers and the devil done for the rest
Yo ho ho for the Pirates and the Bailout Bums.
Wall Street bankers plundering Paulsens's TARP
Somali pirates cruising in Donzis and living high on the hog
An AK47, a cutless and a GPS
A subprime CDO, a SIV and a CDS
Ransom and handouts
Yo Ho Ho for the Pirates and the Bailout Bums
Wall Street's creed is a sea of greed
The pirates creed is take whatever you need
Bankers and pirates are one and alike
Take what you want and screw who you like;
Yo ho ho for the Pirates and the Bailout Bums
Is it better to be done by a banker or a scurvey ridden scrum?
Better yet, a Somalian banker pushing Wall Street dung!
Lets pump AIG and send Detroit the crumbs!
Lets steal some crude from those Arabian skunks!
Yo ho ho for the Pirates and the Bailout Bums!
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