Thursday, December 9, 2010



Dear readers,
Herewith you will find my somewhat original version of a Calendar for the Year 2011 .
I had been planning to post this shortly prior to the forthcoming Christmas and New Year holidays. Today it occurred to me that many of you will be busy traveling, shopping, making merry and doing everything else that we all do this time of the year.
For this reason, I have decided to post it today. This will allow you to print it properly and/or send it to your friends and contacts should you so desire.
This is not a promotional item. I have inserted a greeting, but no web address.
Please consider it my humble way of saying thank you to all of you for putting up with my clowning, listening to some of the things I have to say and providing a restless soul with a much appreciated outlet for interacting with others on matters that we all consider to be of great importance.
The calendar is a vintage calendar from the year 1910 which matches the forthcoming year 2011.
The image is my rework of a famous image known as "The Fools Cap Map of the World."
"This rather sinister image is one of the biggest mysteries in the history of western cartography. Most often referred to simply as the Fool’s Cap Map of the World, it is unknown why, when, where and by whom it was made.
The only thing that can be said about it with some certainty is that it dates from ca. 1580-1590. But sources even differ as to the type of projection used, some referring to it as ptolemaic (i.e. equidistant conic), others claiming it owes more to the techniques of Mercator and/or Ortelius." You can find more information on the original image: Here
The fool, of course, is another one of my recent creations. I chose a subject that I think we can all agree on. Obviously, we are dealing with a somewhat different fool in this day and age, but maybe not.
One of the quotes on the original image was as follows: "For in the whole universe the earth is nothing else and this is the substance of our glory, this is its habitation, here it is that we fill positions of power and covet wealth, and throw mankind into an uproar, and launch wars, even civil ones."
Perhaps we should all take heed of the messages conveyed by the original artist.
Happy Holidays

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