Sarah Palin’s publisher announced Tuesday that the title of her eagerly awaited memoir will be “I'm Going to Disrobe: The Diary of a Neocon Nitwit”
The back cover will be fashioned after the folding back cover of Mad magazine and is expected to be a must buy for Palin fans. Fold the cover picture of the Alaskan Trailer Queen and you wind up with a picture of Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh dressed in skimpy camoflaged jock straps.
Publication is being moved up from spring to Nov. 17 in order to beat former Vice President Dickhead's autobiography (Surf's Up) to the holiday book-buying season. The Alaskan goober-notorious quitee has been in humongous demand as a right winged-nut speaker, and continues to harvest a buttload of butthead media retention.
Palin had a deadline of Sept. 15 for her manuscript. During her last trip to the Big Old Apple she scrawled the final chapters on the back of a pile of Ray's pizza boxes and turned it in a teeny tiny bit early. Copy-editing and fact-checking are as good as impossible in the race to meet the crash publishing schedule, which has been accelerated four or five months because of the dearth of humorous reading material.
TEAM BANZAI7 is working to obtain an advance copy for its readers.
Loved this:
ReplyDelete"During her last trip to the Big Old Apple she scrawled the final chapters on the back of a pile of Ray's pizza boxes and turned it in a teeny tiny bit early. Copy-editing and fact-checking are as good as impossible in the race to meet the crash publishing schedule, which has been accelerated four or five months because of the dearth of humorous reading material."
But did she know which was the original Ray's?
She did'nt.