I am from Finland. I've read many historical events from old sources only, never heard these things from school or lectures of university: http://syys.weebly.com/
In Lohja and Espoo near Helsinki, the Swedes fenced off the school building with barbed wire, in order to ban children the access to a school.
Censorship in the mainstream media makes Sweden, Finland and Norway dictatorships, ruled by the political and economic elite.
Corrupt countries of Scandinavia: In Finland, Sweden and Norway the political and economic elite controls the media. No one can criticize the elite in the mainstream media. If a state or municipal employee criticizes leading politicians, will he or she lose his or her job.
In Finland, Norway and Sweden nobody can have a public post without being a member of a certain political party. In Finland all high-ranking officials, who earn 5000 euros a month or more, are members of political parties.
Here are Norwegian tv anchors: http://www.thoughts.com/aabee/norsu
All content and images depicted on the WilliamBanzai7 Blog are intended solely as political editorial, critique, social commentary, satire and parody concerning current events and public figures.
As such, they should be viewed solely as opinion, comedy and artistic expression rather than factual reports regarding the relevant subject matter.
Art That Strikes Back!
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BANZAI7 (aka) Colonel Flick
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What we need is a critique of visual culture that is alert to the power of images for good and evil
W.J.T Mitchell, Picture Theory
Thomas Nast
“Stop the damned pictures … my constituents can’t read, but, damn it, they can see pictures"--Boss Tweed
I am from Finland. I've read many historical events from old sources only, never heard these things from school or lectures of university:
In Lohja and Espoo near Helsinki, the Swedes fenced off the school building with barbed wire, in order to ban children the access to a school.
Censorship in the mainstream media makes Sweden, Finland and Norway dictatorships, ruled by the political and economic elite.
Corrupt countries of Scandinavia:
In Finland, Sweden and Norway the political and economic elite controls the media. No one can criticize the elite in the mainstream media. If a state or municipal employee criticizes leading politicians, will he or she lose his or her job.
In Finland, Norway and Sweden nobody can have a public post without being a member of a certain political party. In Finland all high-ranking officials, who earn 5000 euros a month or more, are members of political parties.
Here are Norwegian tv anchors: