Monday, August 16, 2010


Barclays has agreed to pay nearly $300 million to settle accusations that the bank facilitated illegal transfers of dollars for countries that were sanctioned by the United States including Iran, Cuba, Libya, Sudan and Myanmar, according to documents filed Monday in Federal District Court in Washington, The New York Times’s reports.

WB7: Why don't they apply the Trading With Enemies Act to the real enemies on Wall Street?


  1. Good question. From the NYT article:
    "The bank’s actions violated, among other things, the federal Trading With the Enemy Act and New York State laws against falsifying business records."

    I'd find it hard to believe that falsifying business records hasn't happened at least. But I guess they know which side their bread is buttered.

  2. Notice how its always a fine but no jail.

  3. Unless you are Martha Stewart. Only recently, Madoff.

    Has it occurred to anyone that this is part of the reason people in America are pissed? That the wealthy get off, meanwhile the peons are being persecuted by the crooked banks for their credit card debt, yet the others like these pricks get off with maybe a wrist slap?
