Friday, September 17, 2010


1 comment:

  1. Pig is your aunt!!

    You and all the others that use such terminology, do not need to get that "polite" in order to discuss economy. Speaking of which look at the deficit of the USA and the UK...much higher than the Portuguese or Spanish ones to start with. Hello!!!

    Oh, but have a currency that is going down the tube all the time! Yet, even though producing fake money all the time, injecting tons of dollars into the economy does not make it more competitive or efficient. The Chinese already downgraded the credit classification of the US economy - surely that will never be done by the USA run rating agencies...very independent...and very all this crisis, with Maddoffs and Lehmans show quite clearly. Finally in the case of Portugal - the country still is in the top world 10 in what comes to gold reserves (I bet you did not know that about that particular PIIGS), the economy growing at 1.5% year and next year public deficit is expected to be 4.7%. Now can the USA or UK - beat that??! No, but in being rude, yes!!
