Thursday, March 4, 2010


BANZAI7 NEWS--A crack anti-fraud detection unit of the Securities and Exchange Commission has filed a civil suit against Sean David Morton, alleging he lied about using his psychic expertise in investing more than $6 million from investors.

Mr. Morton, of Hermosa Beach, Calif., who the SEC said bills himself as "America's Prophet," used subtle techniques to solicit individual over nationally syndicated radio broadcasts, public appearances and newsletters to put money into Delphi Associates Investment Group. He claimed his psychic ability would be used to hedge foreign currencies, the SEC said in a suit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

In one newsletter, the SEC team quoted Morton as writing "I called ALL the highs and lows of the market, giving EXACT DATES for rises and crashes over the last 14 years." The team compared these claims with data collected from Google News.

The SEC fraud swatting team employed sophisticated market surveillance techniques and web porn surfing programs to detect Mr. Morton's illegal operation.  On his Web site, Mr. Morton says he "uses his talents and abilities to predict future occurrences and trends such as earth changes, Jessica Simpson plastic surgeries, political events and even stock market fluctuations." He also claims to have given exact dates for such events as the San Francisco earthquake in 1989, Shana Madoff's bat mitsvah, Sarah Palin's brain augmentation, Hurricane AIG and to have foreseen the Tiger Woods scoring scandal.

Paranormal attempts to contact Mr. Morton weren't successful.

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