Tuesday, August 18, 2009


BANZAI7 NEWS--LA TIMES: "Tom DeLay, the former GOP congressman and ABC's newest "Dancing With the Fools" contestant, has -- in addition to his legal woes -- had some controversial opinions. A few of them:

"The EPA, the Gestapo of government, pure and simply has been one of the major clawhooks that the government has maintained on the backs of our constituents."

-- on the Environmental Protection Agency

"To claim that our Founding Fathers were for separation of church and state is either rewriting history or being very ignorant of history. It is simply impossible and it's unwise to try to separate people and their government from religion."

-- on faith-based funding and separation of church and state

"Guns have little or nothing to do with juvenile violence."

-- speaking after the defeat of a gun control bill in the wake of the Columbine High School massacre."

(Dancin Fool, Frank Zappa)

Sing along link: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x738f_frank-zappa-dancing-fool_extreme

Don't know much about ethics
That's why I'm dancin to this silly song
You know my brain is smaller than the others
n both my feet's too long
course now right along with em
I got no natural rhythm
But I go dancin' every night
Hopin' one day I might win a TV prize
I'm a dancin' Republican fool, I'm a
Dancin' Republican fool
When I heard the ethical committee beat; I jumped outa my Congressional seat,
Now I can't politically compete, cause I'm a
Dancin' Republican fool, I'm a
Dancin' Republican fool

The GOP folks all dressed up
Like they's fit to steal
I walk on in n see 'em there
Gonna give them lobbyist fools a campaign finance thrill
When they see me comin'
They all steps aside
They has a fit while I commit
My political suicide, I'm a
Dancin Republican fool, I'm a
Dancin Republican fool

The Political beat goes on
And I'm long gone
The Political beat goes on
And I'm long gone
The beat goes on n I'm so gone
The beat goes on n I'm so gone
The beat goes on n I'm so gone
I may be totally wrong, but I'm just a
Dancin' Republican fool, I'm a
Dancin' Republican fool

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