Tuesday, August 11, 2009


BANZAI7 NEWS--When launched to great fanfare nearly a year ago, some feared the Large Hadron Collider would create a black hole that would suck in the world. It turns out the Hadron may be on the other side of the black hole created by AIG.

The world's largest scientific machine has cost $10 billion, has worked only nine days and has yet to smash an atom. AIG, the world's largest insurer cost $150 Billion (give or take $50 Billion) and came within a hairs length of smashing Goldman Sachs as well as the global financial system.

But despite the expense, thousands of quantitative geeks around the world, many of whom hope to conduct advanced derivative experiments, insist that the Hadron will someday work almost as effectively as AIG and that it is crucial to mankind's understanding of the bubbling universe of financial excess.

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