(Cruel Frederick, from Struwwelpeter)
Here is cruel Bernie, see!
A horrid wicked PONZI SCHEMER was he;
He caught the rich and wealthy flies, poor little things,
And then tore off their golden wings,
He killed the Palm Beach birds, and broke the Hollywood celebrity chairs,
And threw those wealthy European kittens into his PONZI LAIR;
And oh! far worse than all beside,
He pulled the wool over the SEC's eyes.
The PONZI trough was not full, and faithful Palm Beach dog Tray
Came out to redeem his nestegg bone one sultry day;
He wagged his tail, and wet his lip,
When cruel Bernie snatched up a lockdown whip,
And whipped poor Tray till he was sore,
And kicked and whipped him more and more:
At this, good Tray grew very red,
And growled, and bit him till he bled;
Then you should only have been by,
To see how Bernie did scream and cry!
So Bernie had to go to his Park Avenue Penthouse jail bed:
His leg was very sore and red!
The Jailhouse Doctor came, and shook his head,
And made a very great to-do,
And gave him nasty physic too.
But good dog Tray is happy now;
He has no time to say "Bow-wow!"
He seats himself in Federal Court each day
And laughs to see the nice things happening there:
The payback soup he swallows, sup by sup--
And eats the revenge pies and puddings up.
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