The Story of the Banker that went out Shooting Investor Hares
(From Struwwelpeter)
WilliamBanzai7's Subprime Struwwelpeter
This is the Wall Street Banker that shoots investor hares;
This is the green scamster coat he always wears:
With derivatives-bag, securitisation-horn, and Ponzi scheme gun
He's going out to have some fun.
He finds it hard, without a pair
Of subprime spectacles, to shoot the hares.
The hare sits snug in leaves and grass,
And laughs to see the Banker pass.
Now, as the sun grew very hot,
And he a heavy Ponzi gun had got,
He lay down underneath a bailout tree
And went to sleep, as you may see.
And, while he slept like any top,
The little investor hare came, hop, hop, hop,
Took Ponzi gun and subprime spectacles, and then
On her hind legs went off again.
The Banker wakes and sees her place
The spectacles upon her face;
And now she's trying all she can
To shoot the sleepy, green-coat man.
He cries and screams and runs away;
The hare runs after him all day
And hears him call out everywhere:
"Help! Fire! Help! The Hare! The Hare!"
At last he stumbled at the bonusless bailout well,
Head over ears, and in he fell.
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