Saturday, April 17, 2010


 Prepare to bail!

BANZAI7 NEWS--Meet Fabrice Tourre. He's the young (28 at deal time) Frenchy ski guide who moonlights as a cephalopod banker and will be 'sashimied' for the collective subprime sins of the subprime swindling Squids.


Did Goldman's crack Mortgage Capital Committee really allow a rogue 28 year old hormonally pumped quant single handedly engineer a synthetic CDO...designed to position a couple of nice big German and Dutch be three card monte'd...out of a billion the beheastie of a very well known short trading hedge fund beastie...named Paulson?

Is that all there is to Abacus? Rogue BPVP matching a mega-schtuppor with a mega-schtuppee for a mega-comissh?

If so, what kind of stellar risk management team allows this kind of activity occur under their Squid nose unsupervised? That's what Warren needs to know.

Answer: They knew exactly what was happening. "High five Fab!!!! Here's your Squidee Schtupper bone."  However, lack of sufficient evidence for the SEC to bring a case does not equate with exoneration for the higher ups, all of whom you may estimate with a high degree of certainty are on the squawks with their highly priced NYC hired guns as you read this dispatch.

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