Wednesday, January 20, 2010


BANZAI7 NEWS--Thieves don't need sticky fingers anymore to take your hard-earned cash. They're getting your ATM to spit it out for them. And they're doing it a rate that might make hiding your loot under the mattress is the smartest move you can make.

ATM skimming, in which crooks gain access to the PIN encoded on the magnetic stripe of your debit or credit card and withdraw at will, is quaint and passe,  BankInfoSecurity report published in Consumer Reports.

Now we know that the real thieves own and operate the ATM machines. They take your hard earned money, don't pay interest and charge you a fee to get it back. Meanwhile they take your money and use it for high stakes gambling called proprietary trading and derivative hedging.

1 comment:

  1. WB7, you've nailed it again. If that could only get corrected in our lifetime....
